Visions Sud Est - Supported projectsVisions Sud Est - Supported projects - in production

Yo vi tres luces negras

Santiago Lozano Álvarez



José de los Santos (70) lives in a village on the Pacific coast in Colombia. Since he wasa child, he learned the arts of mortuary rituals inherited from his ancestors, formerAfrican slaves. He accompanies the dead on their way to eternal rest. One day, the soulof his son Pium Pium - who was violently murdered - announces his death to him,warning that he must not die near his home, and above all, he must die in peace.José de los Santos begins a journey through the jungle to find a place to die, defyingthe curfew imposed by the illegal armed groups that dispute the territory. He mustsurvive the guns to avoid joining the souls in purgatory.


CHF 20'000 for postproduction fiction

Festivals and Awards

Berlinale 2024 - Panorama

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara - Mejor Dirección de Fotografía & Mejor Guión

World Sales

Distribution Switzerland

available for distribution at visions sud est

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